Monday 24 December 2018

My Investment Machine 2018 Year End Review

2016 and 2017 was the year where stock prices in Singapore and around the world rose after sentiments changed after Brexit and Trump being elected as The President of United States of America. 2018 will probably be remembered as a year where it was a reality check. The bear took over as things were not as rosy as expected. But well that’s life. What goes up will go down. Similarly, what goes down will go up.

My portfolio has taken a beating as majority of my unrealized gains were wiped out. Thankfully, with the dividends collected over the years, I still in the positive territory. It has also reinforced the fact that investing is long term.

In 2018, I received $6,959.32 of dividends. A brief summary of my portfolio over the years is appended at the end of this post. My average dividends yield has increased slight by 0.13% while dividends received increased by 26.1% when compared to 2017. I had expected more dividends but several companies did not perform well including Accordia Golf Trust which used to pay handsomely.

I made 16 transactions in 2018, more than last year which was 11. Good or bad? Only time will tell. 12 transactions were buy actions and 4 were sell actions. As shared in my 2017 review, I had been wanting to cut off Hyflux and luckily enough, I did sell it off before the share was suspended although it was at a loss of 67.2%.

Next year, will be a test my endurance and discipline in the market. I hope that as the market presents more buying opportunities, I will have the courage to continue to buy more and stay invested. There are so many stocks which are at their 1 year low such as Keppel Corp, Singtel, SIA, SIA Engineering, Accordia Golf Tr, Sing Post, Jumbo and NetLink NBN Tr. I expect the dividends yield and my actually dividends to decrease next year as companies go through rough times. That is all for the year end review!

All the best in the year of 2019. May you and your love ones be healthy, happy and safe. May the odds be with you!

Sunday 2 December 2018

My Investment Portfolio (End Nov 2018)

Transactions made in Nov 2018:
- Sold 4,500 units of First Reit at $0.945
- Bought 100 units of SIA at $9.25
- Bought 1,000 units of Keppel Corp at $6.11

I broke my no transaction streak by making what appears to be 2 very weird transactions. 

Firstly, I cut loss on First Reit. I had attempted to cut loss at higher prices but both prices were not fulfilled. The reason why I cut loss was because of the liquidity issues Lippo Karawaci is facing. Lippo Karawaci is First Reit's main income contributor. With this issue, the fundamentals of why I bought First Reit has changed and this is the main reason why I cut loss since the reason why I bought it no longer exists. 

Is this the right decision? I really do not know. Only time will tell. Ironically, not too long after I cut loss, the price went up to slightly above $1, the price which I attempted to cut loss. But well, this is life. It never goes the way you thought it will pen out. 

For my second transaction, you will be wondering why I bought 100 units of SIA. Well, I had keyed in a bigger order and queued at $9.25. But well, nothing goes the way I wanted. Only 100 of the order was fulfilled. Which is a small percentage of my order and I had to incur the minimum commission fee. =(

As for my third transaction, I increased my stake in Keppel Corp as I wanted to deploy some funds that were from the sales of First Reit and this year's dividends. With this purchase, Keppel Corp has now overtaken ST Engineering and is now my top holding.

The recent prices are tempting and I really have no idea whether the prices are heading south or north in the short term. But well, I am still looking out for other opportunities to purchase other shares. 

Stay calm and invest on!

Dividends received* in Nov 2018: $524.52 (Old Chang Kee, Singapore Post, Frasers Logistics & Industrial Trust, NetLink NBN Trust, Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust)

Total dividends received in 2018: $6,672.58

Average dividends per month: $556.05

Total Portfolio Market Value: $158,361.46

* Dividends are recognised after ex-dividend (xd) date
# Excludes investments in Cryptocurrency since it is of high risk and with an investment fund which I am prepared to write off.