Tuesday, 2 May 2023

My Investment Portfolio - SG (End Apr 2023)


No transactions were made in the month of April 2023. 

I have been looking out for months, but has not bought anything. Not much opportunities and I have been telling myself to be patient, but I must say that I am getting very trigger happy. I also did not have any luck in T-bills balloting.

Meanwhile, I have been monitoring the stocks result especially REITS as they are facing higher borrowing cost. thanks to a friend who noticed and pointed out that Mapletree Industrial Trust has reported a negative loss for 4th Q FY22/23.

Mapletree Industrial Trust 4Q FY2223

As shown in the image above, Mapletree Industrial Trust reported a $110 million loss in "Net fair value (loss)/gain on investment properties and investment property under development". This resulted in a loss for the quarter. Quite disappointed that Mapletree Industrial Trust is not transparent and share with shareholders the reason for this $110 million loss.  They should explain this in their powerpoint without anyone asking. 

Dividends received* during the month: $984.4 (DBS)

Total dividends received in 2023: $3,520.85

Average dividends per month^: $293.40

Total Portfolio Market Value: $349,540.4

* Dividends are recognised after payment date. Average dividends per month is calculated by dividing the dividends received by 12 months regardless of the month. 
Portfolio excludes Singapore Savings Bonds, T-bills and Foreign Stocks
Divided by 12 months regardless of month of the year.